Anduril 1: Setting Ramping Mode Brightness Memory

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When you first turn on an Anduril 1 flashlight like the Emisar D4V2, the flashlight is set to the same level every time. Even after changing the brightness, after you turn it Off with a Click, when you turn it back on with another Click, you’ll be brought back to the original brightness. This is the Manual Memory setting for Ramping Mode.

Alternatively, you can also setup the ramp to remember the last brightness you used with Automatic Memory.

Emisar D4V2 beamshot at night Emisar D4V2 SST-20 4000K beamshot at night

Automatic Memory

Automatic Memory sets the brightness to be the same as the last time you turned it Off.

To setup Ramping Mode’s memory to be set to Automatic Memory:

  1. Turn on the light into Ramping Mode (1 Click from Off). The light should be on now.
  2. 5 Clicks, but hold the last click will activate Automatic Memory.
  3. The light will make a quick flash to confirm that you’ve set the memory.
flowchart LR A((OFF)) --->|1C| B(On) B -->|5H| D[Activate Automatic Memory] subgraph "Ramping Mode" B D end style A fill:#000,color:#fff

Manual Memory

If you would rather always have the same brightness every time you turn on your light, you can switch back to Manual Memory.

To setup your Ramping Mode’s memory to be set to Manual Memory:

  1. Turn on the light into Ramping Mode (1 Click from Off). The light should be on now.
  2. Hold to increase or decrease the brightness of the light to your desired level.
  3. 5 Clicks will activate Manual Memory and save the current brightness.
  4. The light will make a quick flash to confirm that you’ve set the memory.
flowchart LR A((OFF)) --->|1C| B(On) B -->|1H| C[Change/set brightness] B -->|5C| D[Activate Manual Memory] subgraph "Ramping Mode" B C D end style A fill:#000,color:#fff

Which is better?

I personally prefer Automatic Memory. It’s easy enough with the ramping interface to be able to quickly move from Floor to Ceiling. That said, if you last turned it to Off at a higher brightness, you could accidentally blind yourself. Hey, but we all know the risks of owning a bad-ass flashlight. If you can’t handle it, keep it in Muggle Mode.