Anduril 2: Simple UI or Advanced UI? Check what mode you're in

This page refers to features of Anduril 2.

You may be looking for the Anduril 1 manual or Check if you're running Anduril 1 or 2.

Before you proceed, please be sure that you’re running Anduril 2 rather than Anduril 1.

Here are different methods for checking if you’re in Anduril 2’s Simple UI or Advanced UI.

Strobe Mode Check Method

Strobe Mode isn’t available in Simple UI, so we can do a check to see if the light enters Strobe Mode when we try getting to it.

  1. Start from Off
  2. Enter: 3H
  3. What’s the state of the light?
State UI
Emitters off Simple UI
Emitters on (strobing) Advanced UI
flowchart LR A((OFF)) -->|3H| B{State?} B ---|Off| C[Simple UI] B ---|Strobe| D[Advanced UI] style A fill:#000,color:#fff

Battery Check Method

Battery Check continuously loops in Advanced UI but only shows the battery level once in Simple UI. Let’s check if it loops or not:

  1. Start from Off
  2. Enter Battery Check with: 3C
  3. Note if the battery check loops or not
Looping? UI
No Simple UI
Yes Advanced UI
flowchart LR A((OFF)) -->|3C| B[Battery Check] B --- C{Looping?} C ---|No| D[Simple UI] C ---|Yes| E[Advanced UI] style A fill:#000,color:#fff

How to get from Simple UI to Advanced UI?

After finding out you’re in Simple UI, you can get to Advanced UI by entering 10H from Off.

flowchart LR A((OFF)) -->|10H| B[Advanced UI] subgraph "Simple UI" A end style A fill:#000,color:#fff

How to get from Advaned UI to Simple UI?

After finding out you’re in Advanced UI, you can get to Simple UI by entering 10C from Off.

flowchart LR A((OFF)) -->|10C| B[Simple UI] subgraph "Advanced UI" A end style A fill:#000,color:#fff