Sofirn BLF LT1s Manual

Sofirn BLF LT1s UI Diagram Sofirn BLF LT1s UI Diagram


Button Action
1C White light (previously used brightness)
1H Moon mode (floor of ramp of White light)
2C Turbo
3C Red light
4C Lockout


Button Action
4C Unlock and enter White light

Red light

Button Action
1C Previous state
1H Cycle brightness: Low/Medium/High
2C Red Strobe
3C Back to White light

Red Strobe

Button Action
2C Red SOS


Button Action
1C Red light
2C Red Strobe

White light

Button Action
1C Off
1H Ramp up/down
2H Tint Ramp
2C Cycle white emitters: One side/other side/both
3C Red light
4C Smooth/Stepped Ramp Toggle

Additional Resources