Anduril 1: UI Diagram/Flowchart
This page refers to features of Anduril 1.
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Anduril UI, developed by ToyKeeper, has an impressive set of features. To be able to access all these features, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the UI.
Standard Anduril 1 Diagram
If this seems daunting to you, you may want to check out the Anduril 1 UI manual which should better explain to you how to read this diagram.
Alternative Anduril 1 UI Diagram by u/shiftypoo
Confusing? An alternative diagram was made by u/shiftypoo that may make more sense to you:
Alternative Anduril 1 UI Diagram by u/containerfan
Still can’t get enough? Another alternative was made by u/containerfan:
Anduril 1 UI Diagram for BLF LT1
If you have a Sofirn BLF LT1, this version of the Anduril 1 diagram may be useful for you. You may also want to check out the BLF LT1 Anduril 1 Manual.