Wind-up Bird Chronicle Cover Toy

Haruki Murakami’s first US edition print of Wind-up Bird Chronicle features a close-up of a wind-up bird figurine on its cover. If you’re a fan of Murakami or Chip Kidd’s cover art, you might be interested in owning a similar toy to add to your collection. However, you may be wondering what this bird is and where you can find it.

Wind-up Bird Chronicle Figure Wind-up bird figure from the Wind-up Bird Chronicle cover

After some investigation, here’s what I discovered. I acquired my first edition print of the book from a friend who found the toy at a garage sale, and it matched the bird on the cover.

The toy I have has a marking on the bird’s butt with:


Wind-up Bird Chronicle Toy’s Butt Hmm, some markings. This must a be some sort of clue.

With the help of my googling skills, I found the same bird being sold on Ebay. It appears to come in a box labeled “Clockwork Oriole.” If you’re a fan of Murakami or the cover art and want to add this little wind-up bird toy to your collection, this information could be helpful.

If you’re a Murakami fan like I am, I hope this can help you get your hands on your own little wind-up bird toy as well.